short movie
Symphonic Orchestra
recorded in Osaka
Demo video made for the Zurich Competition
short movie
Symphonic Orchestra
recorded in Osaka
Demo video made for the Zurich Competition

Reign of Death
short movie
Symphonic Orchestra
recorded in Osaka
Demo video made for the Zurich Competition
short movie
Symphonic Orchestra
recorded in Osaka
Demo video made for the Zurich Competition

piano, violin, cello, percussion
recorded in Osaka
Documentary for Centre des Monuments Nationaux
piano, violin, cello, percussion
recorded in Osaka
Documentary for Centre des Monuments Nationaux

music selected in Annecy festival in the
International Composition Competition for Animation Movies (CIMFA)
prix "marchand de sons" for la Routine
All sounds of the original movies was removed, participants had to composed music with 7 mandatory instruments
music selected in Annecy festival in the
International Composition Competition for Animation Movies (CIMFA)
prix "marchand de sons" for la Routine
All sounds of the original movies was removed, participants had to composed music with 7 mandatory instruments
for oboe, horn, violin, vola, cello, contrabass and percussions
recorded in Osaka
for oboe, horn, violin, vola, cello, contrabass and percussions
recorded in Osaka

La routine
for oboe, horn, violin, vola, cello, contrabass and percussions
recorded in Osaka
for oboe, horn, violin, vola, cello, contrabass and percussions
recorded in Osaka